Who can join Campus Based?

All college students are welcome to be a member and participate in CB activities! We are a Catholic organization and would like to invite all men and women who want to enrich their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ to be a part of the ministry.

How do I start Campus Based at my campus?

It takes a willing heart and prayer to begin the stages of starting CB, along with gathering friends who are interested. Members of the National Campus Core team may guide you through the steps of starting a local community.

How do I share Campus Based?

The best way to start is to know your campus and your mission! Reach out to fellow friends, other residents that may live on campus, classmates, and members of organizations you are in who may be interested! Share with them what we have to offer, who we are and what this community strives to cultivate.

Food and fellowship! Participate in club fairs at the beginning of the year or table on campus locations with student traffic to share and keep people informed about CB.

Moving forward, maintain an email list of members to send out more information about the ministry and keep students updated on upcoming events.

Who are the servants of Campus Based?

There are many opportunities to be of service within the CB Ministry. Below is a list of servant leadership roles and descriptions.

Campus Based Coordinators: active and committed members of MFC Couples who pastor the Campus Servants

Campus Servants: active and committed members of MFC Singles who pastor the Campus Officers

Campus Officers: active and committed members of MFC Campus Based who pastor the student members of the campus

Why is there a need for MFC Campus Based if there is already MFC Youth and MFC Singles?

Campus Based offers a community which brings individuals who share similar challenges and victories of being a college student together.

Youth members who are already in college may be in a different path in life than members who are still in high school. Similarly, college-aged members may have different experiences than members in Singles who are mostly young working professionals.

This community serves to understand and cater to the unique needs of its members. CB was therefore formalized to nurture our college-aged members and continue the work of evangelization on college campuses.